Incoming Students

We are very pleased if you have chosen to include study abroad as part of your experience. You are about to start what is sure to become one of the most exciting and formative experiences of your life.

To assist you in the preparations, we have here compiled information for our incoming students. We ask you to carefully read the information we provide. Of course you are always welcome to contact us whenever there are inquiries or problems.


Technical Meeting

Right before the starting of the lessons, there will be the Technical Meeting, hold by the International Mobility Office, where everything concerning the University (such as how to register to the exams) will be explained; you will get the communication via mail, so please check it daily! The presentation of the Technical Meeting will be available here.


About educational courses on offer

Please check carefully where the lectures take place when you are choosing the courses for your Learning Agreement. Our university, in addition to the campus in Trieste, has two campuses which are not placed in Trieste: Polo universitario di Gorizia, where Architecture lectures are held (45 km far from Trieste, about 40 minutes by train), and Polo universitario di Pordenone, where Production Engineering and Management lectures are held (110 km far from Trieste, 1hour 45’ by train).

Teaching language is Italian, except for some courses held in English. You can find the list of these courses at the English version of course catalogue, selecting Faculty / department: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE and Lingua della didattica: INGLESE. For most of the courses offered by our Department, learning material in English is available, even when the teaching language is Italian. Contact your local coordinator to know if learning material in English is available for the course you are interested in.


About exam evaluation

In Italian Universities, grades are given on the basis of 30 points. The minimum passing grade is 18/30. When the student’s performance is considered outstanding, a laude can be added by the commission.

For the grade conversion, the grade distribution tables and the conversion tables to ECTS grades are available.

The rules for exam modalities are laid down in the Didactic Regulation, Art. 27. An English version is available. In the course catalogue the detailed exam modalities for each specific course can be found selecting the course.


Useful links

Academic Calendar

List of all study programs

List of all courses

List of coordinators

Accommodation and facilities


More opportunities

The University also organizes language courses with the CLA and sport courses and/or events with the CUS.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 12-02-2025 - 10:06