As of second year, study and research trip expenses can be covered by the student’s research-related fund. First year students’ study and research trip expenses can be covered by the funds of the supervisor/PhD course [first year: not covered by PhD students’ research funds]. Requests for study and research trips need to be completed in time and must:
- be approved by the supervisor, who has to sign the application form after the PhD student. The supervisor has to fill in the form “Modulo A –autorizzazione missione” using the U-GOV code of the respective research project;
- be signed by the Head of the Department, who approves the expenses.
In case of costs covered by the PhD course fund, the request has to be approved by the supervisor and the Head of the PhD course.
Before leaving, PhD students must:
- fill in the form Modulo di Comunicazione Preventiva, sign it and deliver the original to the Segreteria del Dottorato di Ateneo (by mail or in person, emails are not sufficient). The form needs to be signed by the Head of the PhD course, therefore students are advised not to wait until the last minute.
- fill in the form Modulo A - Autorizzazione missione, which can be found at DIA website (section “Modulistica”). The form needs to be duly filled in, including the reason for the request, and delivered to the Servizio Missioni del DIA in the original. The form can be sent by internal mail to the Servizio Missioni del DIA, or it can be posted into the designated box (located in building C2, room C2_T.14). Forms can be also advanced via email to the address before to be delivered to the Servizio Missioni and signed in original.
The student will get in touch with the Segreteria Amministrativa ( to ensure that expenses do not exceed the total budget allocated for the year.
During the study and research trip, PhD students must:
- record invoices/receipts related to board and lodging, transportation and general expenses. A receipt is needed for every single expense. Invoices need to display the student’s name. Board and lodging expenses need to be recorded separately;
- if possible, when attending conferences, students ought to ask for a certificate of attendance.
After the study and research trip, and within 30 days, PhD students must:
- fill in the form Modulo Trasferta dottorando-Comunicazione successiva, which has to be sent to the Segreteria di Dottorato with the certificate of attendance;
- fill in the form Modulo B – richiesta liquidazione missione and sign it. Attach receipts and invoices for each expense. Give the form and the attached documents to the Servizio Missioni. Information on suitability of expenses, documentation and requirements can be found in the Regolamento Missioni dell'Ateneo (;
Incomplete or unsuitable forms (A/B), as well as forms lacking the required signatures and documentation, will be processed according to the Regolamento. Therefore, the Servizio Missioni might carry out checks and reject the expense. Get in touch with the Servizio Missioni for further information or explanations.