Workshop: Financing innovation for a Green Economy in the Alpine region

The Workshop on ”Financing innovation for a Green Economy in the Alpine region” will be held on 29 November 2017 in Gorizia, Italy.
We would like to discuss with you
- Successful financing innovation for a Green Economy in the Alpine region. How to enhance innovation in the field of Green Economy; how to finance urban and rural sustainable development; good practices in energy efficiency in buildings and in sustainable mobility sector: public-private partnership experiences; demand driven innovation through public procurement: pre-commercial procurement to steer the development of green solutions towards concrete public sector needs.
- The role of governments and institutions in shaping a favourable political framework to promote green finance as well as viable ways to mobilize private capital required for a sustainable development;
- Services offered to enhance innovation and how enterprises can access them.
The workshop aims at bringing together all committed actors in the Alps and their surroundings – from private enterprises to associations, public authorities and research institutions that want to contribute to shape the transformation towards a Green Economy. It will be held in English and, if required, in Italian. To allow for sufficient space and time for exchange and discussion, the number of participants is limited to 30 persons.
Workshop for the preparation of the Action Programme for a Green Economy in the Alpine region
The event takes place from 10.00 to 16.00.
Background and purpose of the workshop
The economy in the Alps shall become greener! The sixth Report on the State of the Alps defines key aspects for this purpose. Accordingly, a Green Alpine Economy should be
- low-carbon as well as energy and resource efficient,
- based on ecosystem services and natural capital and
- foster quality of life and well-being.
Based on the results of the RSA6, the XIVth Alpine Conference, held in 2016 in Grassau (Germany) decided on the elaboration of an ambitious and comprehensive Action Programme for Green Economy in the Alps. Thereby, the transformation process in the Alpine region will be supported and the basis for specific measures, projects and actions will be created. Local and regional actors play a crucial role for the preparation of the Action Programme. A series of workshops with various thematic priorities will be held in autumn 2017 to involve relevant stakeholders in shaping the future of Alpine Green Economy.
We need your input, suggestions, proposals and initiatives for the preparation of the Action Programme for Green Economy in the Alps! Help us shape the Action Programme and the future of the Alps!
Congress center – University of Trieste
via Alviano, 18
34170 Gorizia