Maritime Technology and Safety (MarTS) research group
The Maritime Technology and Safety ( MarTS ) research group performs and supports fundamental research as well as applied industrial research in the maritime field. The group joins complementary competences and experiences of its members regarding modelling and simulation, as well as experimental approaches, on performance, comfort and safety aspects related to the maritime field.
As a result, the group is capable of tackling R&D activities regarding key and emerging topics in naval architecture and marine engineering, such as hydrodynamics, stability, structures, safety, regulatory assessment and development, CFD and FEM analyses, resistance, propeller performance, seakeeping, manoeuvrability, dynamics, aerodynamics, cavitation, efficiency, noise, vibrations, MetOcean analysis&forecasting, etc. In addition, the group supports also thesis activities.
Keyword 1: comfort
Keyword 2: hydrodynamics
Keyword 3: safety
Keyword 4: stability & dynamics
Keyword 5: structures
Head of the research group
List of members in the research group
Marco Biot
Gabriele Bulian
Mitja Morgut
Research projects
• "GOAL Based Damage Stability (GOALDS)”, FP7 EU Project. Period: 2009-2012.
• “Study assessing the acceptable and practicable risk level of passenger ships related to damage stability (EMSA/OP/10/2013)”, Project financed by European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). Period: 2013-2015.
• “eSAFE – enhanced Stability After a Flooding Event – A joint industry project on Damage Stability for Cruise Ships”, International Joint Industry Project. Period: 2017-2018.
• ""Prodotti e processi innovativi per incollaggi semi-strutturali a bordo delle navi (Glu&Nav)"", POR FESR 2014-2020 Project. Period: 2018-2021.
• “UBE 2 - Underwater Blue Efficiency 2”, POR FESR 2014-2020 Project. Period: 2018-2022.
• ""Cabina silenziosa su pavimentazione flottante e ponti disaccoppiati (CONFCAB) "", POR FESR 2014-2020 Project. Period: 2018-2022.
• ""Verifica Resistenza ai Carichi d’Onda Ricavati con Calcolo Diretto (WAVEDC)"", R&D activity financed by Fincantieri SpA. Period: 2019-2021.
• “SGISC”, R&D activity financed by Fincantieri SpA. Period: 2021-2023.
Name of the laboratories
Hydrodynamics and MetOcean Laboratory (HyMOLab)
Ship Noise & Vibration Laboratory (NVL)