MDA&O Multi-Disciplinary Analysis & Optimization
Description of the research group
The research topics carried out by MDA&O group are:
- optimization
- Multi Criteria Decision Making
- response surfaces
- methods for solving partial derivative problems
- uncertainty quantification.
The developed methods are applied to thermo-fluid dynamic problems, but not only. Given the cross-cutting nature of the research topics, they are also applied in the fields of vibro-acoustics, plant engineering, transport, management, fintech. The group is also involved in the interdipartimental laboratory BAQlab (Bioaerosol and Air Quality).
Keyword 1: optimization
Keyword 2: MCDM
Keyword 3: RSM
Keyword 4: UQ
Keyword 5: PDE
Head of the research group
List of members in the research group
- Carlo Poloni - PA - ING-IND/08
- Valentino Pediroda - PA - ING-IND/08
- Lucia Parussini - PA - ING-IND/08
Research projects
Name of the laboratories