ARDeL - Architectural Restoration Design Lab


Research activity focuses on methodologies for the conservation and enhancement of architectural heritage. Collaborations with institutions are promoted in order to improve these methodologies, both by updating them to current conditions and by adapting them to any specific requirements. The research group, which currently has 2 research fellows, also collaborates with the Interdepartmental Center for Science and Technology Applied to Cultural Heritage.


Keyword 1: Architectural restoration

Keyword 2: Conservation

Keyword 3: Enhancemen

Keyword 4: Architectural heritage

Keyword 5: Cultural heritage


Head of the research group

Sergio Pratali Maffei - PA - ICAR/19 Restauro

List of members in the research group

- Sergio Pratali Maffei - PA - ICAR/19 Restauro

Research projects

- A.VI.DI. (di sapere!): Archivio VIrtuale DIffuso, Regione FVG, L.R. 34/2015
- Per un intervento resiliente e adattivo di riqualificazione del patrimonio architettonico, PNRR, Componente M2C3 “Efficienza energetica e riqualificazione degli edifici” della Missione 2 “Rivoluzione verde e transizione ecologica”

Name of the laboratories

- Advanced Modeling 3D LAB


Ultimo aggiornamento: 10-12-2024 - 12:25