Biomedical and Clinical Engineering

Description of the research group

The research group focuses on the analysis of phenomena of clinical relevance by the engineering perspective. It moves from the theoretical understanding into interpretative models, with the objective to transfer theoretical and engineering methods to contribute to clinical outcomes. As a major feature, it is deeply interdisciplinary, while it keeps the methodological rigor coming from engineering roots, it extends profoundly into medical research.

Cardiovascular mechanics: using theoretical and computational techniques based on medical imaging analysis and aimed to extract functional pathophysiological information for clinical applications.

eHealth and Telemedicine: development of personalized applications, decision support systems, and telemedicine systems for fragile patients using also machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques.

Neuromodulation and bi-directional brain computer interfaces: development of smart invasive neuromodulation devices based on the analysis of deep EEG signals.

Biomedical computational imaging and image analysis: development of advanced image processing and reconstruction solutions for high-resolution phase contrast X-ray micro-CT with both conventional and synchrotron radiation sources as well as spectral imaging with photon-counting detectors. The main application is the so called virtual histology.


Keyword 1: Cardiovascular mechanics

Keyword 2: Medical Imaging

Keyword 3: eHealth

Keyword 4: Telemedicine

Keyword 5: Neuromodulation


Head of the research group

Gianni Pedrizzetti

List of members in the research group

- Gianni Pedrizzetti – PO – ING-IND/34
- Dario Collia – RTD/A – ING-IND/34
- Sara Marceglia – PA – ING-INF/06
- Francesco Brun – PA – ING-INF/06

Research projects


Name of the laboratories



Ultimo aggiornamento: 02-11-2023 - 05:20