CREATE Consortium at UNITS - XRlab


The research group works on nuclear fusion research activities, focusing on the mechanical design of Tokamak sub-systems. The main activities are in the framework of the EUROfusion consortium, where the head of the research group act as System Design Lead for the divertor design, and on ITER diagnostics.

The multi-physics issues related to the magnetic confinement of the plasma in a nuclear fusion machine are addressed comprehensively by the research group, dealing with CAD Design, electro-magnetic issues, remote handling compatibility, thermo-mechanical and structural assessment. Additionally, at the XRLab the research group works on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality as tools for simulation of maintenance activities on plants (both nuclear fusion and other industrial plants), for ergonomic analyses and for enhanced design reviews.


Keyword 1: Nuclear fusion

Keyword 2: CAD Design

Keyword 3: Structural FEM

Keyword 4: Tokamak Design

Keyword 5: Virtual Reality


Head of the research group

Domenico Marzullo

List of members in the research group

- Luigi Bregant - RU - ING-IND/13

- Paolo Gallina - PO - ING-IND/13

- Domenico Marzullo - PA - ING-IND/15

- Nicola Massanova, Enrico Occhiuto - PhD Students

Research projects

- F4E-FPA-327, Fusion for Energy, ITER
- Advanced control techniques for the alternative divertor plasma configurations in nuclear fusion tokamaks, Italy, PRIN 2022
- ITER Test Blanket Systems, Fusion for Energy
- Divertor Tokamak Test, DTT, Italy

Name of the laboratories

XRLab - Devices for extended reality - HTC Vive Pro, Microsoft Hololens



Ultimo aggiornamento: 10-12-2024 - 12:31