Microwave and Communication Networks


The group addresses the following research topics

Gigabit-WiFi and 5G/6G networks
2D/3D stochastic geometry modeling
multi-packet peer-to-peer communication
massive MIMO
channel coding

Ranging in wireless networks
theoretical bounds
estimation algorithms

Non terrestrial communications systems
advanced random access
mmWave antenna design

Fast 2D/3D conformal/sparse antenna array synthesis
far/near-field, polarization, dynamic range ratio control



Keyword 1: massive MIMO

Keyword 2: random access

Keyword 3: channel coding

Keyword 4: Beamforming

Keyword 5: mmWave antenna design


Head of the research group

Fulvio Babich

List of members in the research group

Fulvio Babich - PO -ING/INF/03
Massimiliano Comisso - PA - ING-INF/03
Giulia Buttazzoni - PA -ING-INF/02
Francesca Vatta - RU - ING-INF/03

Research projects

- MiTheMaS - Microwave Theranostics enhanced by Magnetic Scaffolds in the follow up of bone healing, MUR, PRIN

Nome of the laboratories

Microwave and Communication Networks Laboratory



Ultimo aggiornamento: 10-12-2024 - 12:38