International call for Piranesi Student Honorable Mention 2023. Deadline 18/10/2023
Piranesi Student Honorable Mention awards best architectural student project, designed in last two years in a Central Europe region. Projects are selected by student selectors at the end of October.
Each of 19 invited Central-European faculties – Graz, Spittal, Vienna, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Split, Zagreb, Thessaloniki, Budapest, Pescara, Trieste, Podgorica, Bratislava, Ljubljana, Maribor, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and AA London – presents two student architectural projects.
The purpose of the call for applications is the selection of realized or non-realized student’s architectural works, which will compete for the 2023 Piranesi Honorable Mention at the Piranesi international architectural exhibition, organized within the international conference Piran Days of Architecture.
Architectural creations that were completed in semester 2021-2022 or 2022-2023 may be proposed for the call for applications. •
ou need to send your proposal by e-mail to your faculty selector. Their names and e-addresses are published at:
Proposals should be reasoned and presented in a way that enables the most faithful presentation of architectural creations, in pdf format: o Maximum size of the presented material is A3 format, max. 2 sheets or in pdf format.
The proposal should contain in EN language: o Name of the project, location and year of realization o Name of the student or student’s group o Name of the mentor o Name of the Faculty o Name of the ev. photographer o Name of the contact person, e-mail address and mobile telephone number.
The deadline for delivery of proposals is 18. 10. 2023
Anyone who intends to partecipate must send the request materials to the Faculty Selector, prof. Giuseppina Scavuzzo Email:
The whole competition announcement in the footnote