Piranesi Student Honorable Mention, premio per tesi di laurea in architettura
Piranesi Student Honorable Mention awards best architectural student project, designed in last two years in a Central Europe region. Projects are selected by student selectors at the end of October. Each of invited Central-European faculties – Graz, Spittal, Vienna, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Split, Zagreb, Thessaloniki, Budapest, Pescara, Trieste, Bratislava, Ljubljana, Maribor, Belgrade, Novi Sad and AA London – presents two student architectural projects.
The purpose of the call for applications is the selection of realized or non-realized student’s architectural works, which will compete for the 2019 Piranesi Honorable Mention at the Piranesi international architectural exhibition, organized within the international conference Piran Days of Architecture.
Architectural creations that were completed in semester 2017-2018 or 2018-2019 may be proposed for the call for applications.
Informazioni complete al sito web http://www.pida.si/selectors-and-criteria e sul PDF allegato.
La scadenza per presentare le proposte è il 4 ottobre 2019.
Le proposte vanno presentate in massimo due fogli A3 in pdf al selezionatore per l'Ateneo, che per Trieste è la prof.ssa Giuseppina Scavuzzo, all'indirizzo gscavuzzo@units.it