Mostra: "BEYOND NOLLI. Mapping global coastal cities"

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Corso di Laurea a Ciclo Unico in Architettura

Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura

Università degli Studi di Trieste

Corso di Teorie e Progetto dello Spazio Pubblico

Mostra sulla didattica dell’architettura: "BEYOND NOLLI. Mapping global coastal cities"

Ludovico Centis, Matteo D'Ambros, Federico Vascotto

17 dicembre 2024 – 24 febbraio 2025

1° Piano, Salone della Biblioteca

PUG Polo Universitario di Gorizia
Via Alviano 18, 34170 Gorizia


The exhibition presents twelve samples of global coastal cities

– Abu Dhabi, Cape Town, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Marseille,

Naples, Oslo, Rijeka, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, Tangier, Trieste

– illustrated through their redrawing in the manner of the New

Plan of Rome published by Giovan Battista Nolli in 1748. The

final outcome is the result of a rewriting exercise, developed

within the course of Theories and Design of the Public Space of

the Master’s Degree in Architecture at the University of Trieste.

The rewriting exercise allowed to identify and interpret different

types of space and to systematize and deepen the knowledge of

the contemporary city with respect to the urban planning

project at different scales, also in light of the objectives

of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations such as

sustainable cities and communities and the fight against climate change.

Within cities, open spaces are dynamic environments with a

long tradition in terms of design, modification and stratification.

Here, the ongoing changes in society are revealed and take

on particular emphasis. Investigating the forms, features and

devices that urban open space is equipped with, specifying its

semantic value of inclusion and exclusion in the ways of using

and being in public space, has meant critically discussing the

value and potential of the project in the contemporary city.

In light of the ongoing challenges – both climatic and

socioeconomic – and of an increasingly complex transformative

framework, the hypothesis put forward is that open spaces could

host experiences capable of reflecting on the quality and value

of contemporary urban planning, in order to define new uses and

performances in an ambitious and premonitory way.




Ultimo aggiornamento: 20-12-2024 - 17:40