Seminario: Multidisciplinary Overview on Cryogenic Plants

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Data evento
Data inizio evento: 
15/04/2021 - 10:15
Data fine evento: 
15/04/2021 - 12:00
Data pubblicazione evento
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Multidisciplinary Overview on Cryogenic Plants 

Dott. Federico Ustolin, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) 

15 aprile 2021 alle ore 10.15 – 12.00


During the seminar, an overview of the cryogenic technologies is presented. A multidisciplinary approach is adopted to present the liquefaction plant components since energy, material and safety aspects are considered. A variety of materials is employed during the cryogenic plant construction. A thorough material selection is presented. In the case of an accident scenario, an undesired loss of integrity of the piece of equipment might arise. Some safety considerations are provided as well during the seminar. The most common cryogenic fluids and their properties are initially considered, while the focus is finally placed on liquid hydrogen technologies.


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Ultimo aggiornamento: 14-04-2021 - 08:56