Seminario nell'ambito di "Fondamenti numerici della Progettazione"
UTOPIAE is a European research and training network looking at cutting edge methods bridging optimisation and uncertainty quantification applied to aerospace systems. The network is running from 2017 to 2021, and is funded by the European Commission through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of H2020.
The early stage researchers enrolled within the UTOPIAE project will be hosted by ESTECO ( for a Winter of Code from 25 to 29 November 2019.
To find out more about the UTOPIAE project and the methods developed by its early stage researchers and applications, you can attend the following events:
Wednesday morning 27 November 2019, 11:15 am Building C7 room A,
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura, Via Valerio 10, Trieste
Prof. Pediroda’s course “Fondamenti numerici della Progettazione”
Early stage researchers and supervisors from project beneficiaries will present their research topics and applications.
Friday 29 November 2019, Meeting Room at Area Science Park (Padriciano)
9.15 am : Final presentations of working groups: come and vote the best project!
1. MAGICAL – Machine leArninG for aIrCraft Anti-ice technology
2. DeepGPLAEN – Deep Gaussian Process Learning for Aerospace ENgineering
3. RoMEU – Robust Multi-fidelity system under Epistemic Uncertainty
4. ARISE – Algorithms for Robust Inference for State Estimation
11.15 am: Award ceremony