Borse di ricerca post-doc
Tipologia news:
Bando per borse di ricerca post-doc, Columbia University- Italian Academy, a.a. 2019-20
The Italian Academy invites applications for:
- one Alexander Bodini Fellowship in Developmental and Adolescent Psychiatry
- one Alexander Bodini Fellowship in Transitions from Globalism to Nationalism and Populism
- up to four Weinberg Fellowships in Architectural History and Preservation
- approximately 14 fellowships devoted to the themes of cultural heritage and of migrations, and of humanities & neuroscience.
Applications are encouraged from all countries. Candidates must be at the post-doctoral or faculty level. Fellows receive a stipend, health benefits, travel allowance, and an office in the Academy on the Columbia University campus.
1 ottobre 2018-3 dicembre 2018
Per ulteriori informazioni sui bandi e linee guida per la presentazione delle domande

Ultimo aggiornamento: 15-11-2018 - 13:06